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How To Amplify Your Cognition


Program - Work With You

Cost - $1000 per week for 16 weeks

  • Your Knowledge As An Algorithm
  • Executable Architecture
  • 16 Week Guided Implementation
  • Weekly Video Calls
  • Custom Roadmap
  • Landing Pages
  • Pipeline Management

Program - Do It For You

Cost - $1900 per week for 16 weeks

  • Your Knowledge As An Algorithm
  • Executable Architecture
  • Everything Coded For You
  • Weekly Video Calls
  • Custom Roadmap
  • Ongoing Managed Execution
  • Pipeline Management


  • Your Knowledge As An Algorithm

    • Mike takes your domain knowledge, distilled down the the MVP Prototype and encapsulates that knowledge into your product
  • Executable Architecture

  • Mike takes your MVP Prototype distilled and encapsulated domain knowledge and makes it accessible to the customers in a web app that can prove your hypotheses.
  • Everything Coded For You

    • Mike writes the code for you MVP Prototype
  • Weekly Video Calls

  • Custom Roadmap

  • A valuable asset that shows what to do with your MVP Prototype web app and how to drive it forward to find product market fit.
  • Ongoing Managed Execution
  • With a revenue split, Mike will continue Guided Implementation of your MVP Prototype in accordance with the Custom Roadmap.
  • 16 Week Guided Implementation

    • The Work With You program has specific guided implementations of the roadmap and weekly iterations.
  • Pipeline Management

  • Working with your potential customer network, Mike will build into features of the MVP your customer pipeline as part of the product enabling by design Product Led Growth. This usually is a key component of the MVP.
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

    • The prototype is the implementation of the agreed upon business hypotheses that is a web application that tests and course corrects for whether or not customers will actually buy what we think they'll buy. It's a not a Maximum Possible Product. It's not a traditional scope either. It's a process over a set period of time that implments a web app that tests for "product market fit". It assumes that at each step, there will be course corrections. Viable means that we can see some customer traction. Minimum means, the minimum number of features that can prove or disprove our customer value hypothesis. When an MVP is successful, then the enterprise has a chance to move forward with potential funding or is ready to start to Go To Market. An MVP is the opposite of "Build It And They Will Come".

    Typical Schedule: 0. Decide if the proposed enterprise is Amplifiable.

    1. Define the budgets and pro formas of what the enterprise will look like in the long run.
    2. Define the product that will be and what the MVP is and is not
    3. Make a single landing page the conveys the value proposition
    4. Construct mechanisms that allow for customers to onboard themselves
    5. Start implementing the first features of the MVP
    6. Setup some simple ads or social mechanisms to drive traffic to landing pages
    7. Push the first iteration of the MVP out to the world
    8. Iterate based on customer activity
    9. Push changes to the MVP out to the world
    10. Iterate based on customer activity and feedback
    11. Launch the second landing page answering questions from customer feedback
    12. Iterate the product
    13. Iterate the product
    14. Iterate the product
    15. Iterate the product
    16. Deliver Roadmap

What is Amplifiable?

  • Clear Market signals for a $1MM ARR within 18 months
  • Is a multi sided market
  • Team has domain knowledge and operations expertise
  • Team has the network (founders network) or advertising budget for Goto Market
  • Demonstratable Network Effects business model